Stephen is probably the only Materials Handling professional who’s talent for innovation has seen him featured internationally on TV programmes around the world, including, The Discovery Channel, ITV-UK, Cable TV-USA, CBS-USA and on BBC News, BBC Radio2, as well as in numerous international press & media articles. He has also won double Gold awards at the British Invention of the Year Awards and in November 2023, won the best Startup at the Green Expo 2023 Awards, with WESGen®.
In the past decade Stephen was featured in the globally on The Discovery Channel's "Daily Planet" program, in the USA on CBS TV's "The Doctor's" programme
and in the UK on ITV's Alan Titchmarsh Show, with renowned British inventor, Trevor Baylis CBE, calling Stephen's piXie Pregnancy Seatbelt Harness, "Excellent" and "Superb"!
Stephen's not your, 'run-of-the-mill' sales guy. He's analytical, practical and experienced. So if you need something extra, then please, read on…..
Stephen applies his award-winning inventiveness to Reel & Roll Handling and his passion, Safety!
As a consultant, Stephen often recommends practical solutions that can cost almost nothing to implement! Alternatively, he can design you a bespoke system, from concept, through project management, to installation & training.
Stephen can also offer a uniquely practical assessment of operator processes and working with operators and management, devise workable S.O.P.'s and carry out training workshops.
If you just want ‘run-of-the-mill’ materials handling Salesmen to call in and sell you their top-selling standard lines, then you are on the wrong website! But if you want a solution, and you have nowhere to go, call the 'A' Team...