by Paul M
9 June 2020
5 Top Tips For A Safer Workplace On Forklift Safety Day 2020 Safe systems of working around forklift trucks has never been more important. This year's Forklift Safety Day is highlighting the importance of segregating pedestrians from forklifts to enhance safety. But what if that just isn't possible because forklifts are required to operate in areas that are shared with pedestrians, for example machine operators? Weston Handling has the solution... Here are our five top tips for a safer workplace. 1). Get rid of forklifts if you can! If they’re not there, they can’t hurt you… Well OK, maybe you need them, but where possible, consider a less dangerous alternative, such as a pedestrian operated Stacker Truck. 2). Question: What’s the difference between a Fork Lift Truck and a Battering Ram? Answer: Nothing! Limit the opportunity for collisions by distancing forklifts from hazards, introducing physical barriers, or adopting active safety systems: 3). Question: When is a Safety Light not a Safety Light? Answer: When you don’t see it! Choose active safety systems over passive safety systems or warnings, to avoid accidents due to operator error or distractions. 4). Question: How can an inclusive management style improve Fork Truck Safety? Answer: When an operator has an accident, tell everyone! Introduce incident reporting systems that ensure that everyone knows about incidents and can learn from them. For example, Weston Handling's ACKBelt® Anti-Crush System can be fitted to a FLT in seconds and can either link into the truck, have an alarm to alert nearby persons, or link into the truck’s controller or an OEM Telematic system, to ensure that management find out about incidents and can act on them. 5). Question: How can you improve a Fork Truck’s safety in less than a minute? Answer: Fit an ACKBelt® in 50 seconds! See how in this video: Our unique ACKPad and ACKBelt anti-crush safety systems can be fitted to virtually any lift truck, either fitted as new to new trucks or retrofitted to existing trucks. As well as massively enhancing safety, they offer optional telematics to provide real-time alerts and the logging of Safety Critical Events. And finally: Question: Why are the UK’s “Fork Lift Truck Association” Annual Safety Awards so important? Answer : Because they showcase important new safety innovations, such as the ACKBelt® Anti-Crush System… Contact us today to find out more about our range of materials handling equipment. Email for more information.